Our magazine archive is at this link.

Information on previous Sunday@Six services is at this link.

8633hsOn 18 October 2015, our church was packed for a joint service led by the Most Reverend David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane, and the Reverend Dr David Easton, Chair of the Synod of the Methodist Church in Scotland, and introduced by the Reverend Alison Cozens, Rector of St Margaret’s and Holy Trinity, Dunfermline. This was only the second time that the two leaders of our respective churches had jointly taken a service at Rosyth, and the first time that our partnership had been joined by the congregation of Holy Trinity. Full details and recordings at this link.


On Tuesday 23 April 2013, we held a service of Thanksgiving and Celebration for the life of the Rev Malcolm Trew, former minister of our church, and a long-term ardent supporter of our witness in Rosyth.

You can read Malcolm’s story, as told in the October 2011 issue of Contact, at this link.

david+lily_110hOn 25 November 2012, our service was jointly led by the Most Rev David Chillingworth, Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church, and the Rev Lily Twist, Chair of the Methodist Synod in Scotland. This was the first time our two leaders had been with us together, and we were able to celebrate the many ways in the LEP operates both formally and informally, and to give thanks for the many friendships that have been formed over the years.

5633cc_110h On 13 November 2012, we welcomed the Voskresenije Choir for a return visit. An audience of almost 100, and a standing ovation at the end! The original publicity is at this link, and programme at this link – before the interval, we were treated to a feast of uplifting sacred music, and folk songs in the second half covered a range of emotions from tender passion to robust good humour.

120406col-poster_110h On 6 April 2012, an augmented choir led our Good Friday meditation with a performance of Stainer’s Crucifixion. There is a report at this link, with other links at the bottom of the page to a recording and other material.

120401_courier_cc_110hOn 1 April 2012, Sydney the donkey led an ecumenical Palm Sunday procession through Rosyth. There is a report with pictures at this link. [The procession happened again in 2013, but wasn’t blessed by the same sunshine!]

5648cc_110hOn 16 November 2011, we were hosts to the Voskresenije Choir from St Petersburg. A very full house, and a standing ovation at the end!

At Pentecost 2010 (23 May) we celebrated the 10th Anniversary of our LEP with a joint Agape meal at which the Rev Lindsey Sanderson, secretary to the Sponsoring Body for LEPs read the Covenant document, followed by a period of silence for reflection. The service sheet is at this link, and a report, with reflections and other inputs, is at this link.

Coming up …
  • 21 July 2024 9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 21 July 2024 11:00 am Morning Worship
  • 28 July 2024 9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 28 July 2024 11:00 am Morning Worship with Holy Communion

More details at this link


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1100 Methodist Worship
0930 Sung Eucharist

see What’s on
 for details and for other services