We operate with St Margaret’s Scottish Episcopal Church under a “Local Ecumenical Partnership” (LEP), as described at this link, so we have some of our own activities, but many are shared.

Episcopal services

St Margaret’s meet for worship each Sunday at 9.30am (though with some variations, which are given at this link), and the service is normally Sung Eucharist.

On the 4th Sunday the partners worship together, as you will see from this link.


The Church grows through looking outwards, so this is an important part of our work, which we have reflected on at this link.

What we do together

Wednesday Fellowship (formerly Women’s Own) is open to men and women from both congregations and other churches in Rosyth and all are warmly welcomed. The Fellowship meets at 2.15pm in the Church Lounge from September to May except January, and is a friendly gathering. As well as a cup of tea, and a short time for devotion, there is usually a guest speaker. For more information contact Mary Kidd (01383 872332) or Mary Dempster (01383 721252).

Bible Study forms an important part of our worship and three house groups organised by Methodist members meet regularly to discuss and reflect on specific chosen themes. For further details, see the current issue of “Contact”.

An ecumenical study group is held at St Columba’s Church, Torridon Lane, Rosyth on Monday evenings during Advent and Lent when a chosen book is studied. Contact Alan Taylor (01383 823902, email athtaylor@btinternet.com).

There is a Traidcraft stall in the Crush Hall on the 4th Sunday of each month, immediately before and after the 11am service.

We support Christian Aid by participating in fund-raising functions throughout the year, such as the Harvest Supper, and some of us also help with door-to-door collections during Christian Aid Week.

Community use of the church premises

The church premises are well used throughout the week, both during the day and in the evening, and include hirings as well as church activities.

There are two Toddlers’ Groups meeting from 9.30am to 11.00am on Wednesday and Friday mornings. On Mondays the Parahandies (a disabled group) meet. After-school activities include Rainbows, Brownies and Guides Groups, and a Scout Group (Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorer Scouts).

Coming up …
  • 23 February 2025 9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 23 February 2025 11:00 am Morning Worship
  • 2 March 2025 9:30 am Sung Eucharist
  • 5 March 2025 10:30 am The Litany for the Eucharist and Imposition of Ashes

More details at this link


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Regular services


1100 Methodist Worship
0930 Sung Eucharist

see What’s on
 for details and for other services