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Happy New Year
Do join us at 11:00 on Sunday 12th January, for our service of Morning Worship for the first Sunday in Ordinary Time. The service will be led by Ann White and Mary Kidd.
Welcome to Rosyth Methodist Church. We are part of the Methodist Church in Great Britain, a Church with some 300,000 members across England, Scotland and Wales.
The Methodist Church is a Protestant denomination which originated in the evangelical revival of the eighteenth century. Our main focus is on the universal nature of God’s love, offered to all of humanity. Our response is to seek to live lives of holiness as part of the people of God. Methodism emphasises the need for a personal faith, and the involvement of all people in the life and work of the Church.
Women and men have equal places in our church organisation and in our ordained ministry. Everyone is invited to discover and offer their gifts in the service of God and of the world. We have always believed that faith is not to be confined to church, but should seek to enrich every aspect of human life.
Our congregation at Rosyth is in partnership with St Margaret’s Scottish Episcopal Church. We share the one building and some of the various activities. This is a place for everyone and we would like people of all ages to feel part of our Sunday worship.
For details of what’s on, click this link, or use the “What’s on” tab.
For reasons of copyright and similar, issues of “Contact” (the newsletter of the partnership until 2020) can no longer can be viewed on-line. Similarly, the Archive page with its information on previous significant events has been removed. However, the material remains available on request for research purposes. Contact David Salthouse or Martin Tarr.
Please refer to this link for details of our Privacy Notice.