This year, Rev Eddie Sykes is leading three Advent studies to help us in our preparation for Christ’s coming. Sessions are on Zoom on Thursday mornings at 10:30am, and last for just over an hour. If you haven’t have received the meeting details direct, please email Eddie at for an access code.
Everyone is warmly welcome to join with us – no previous Bible study experience is necessary – just bring a Bible, and perhaps a cup of coffee, and enjoy the conversation!
Our topics will be:
- 2 December Preparing the Way (Luke 3:1–8) (study notes at this link)
- 16 December Embodying God’s Love for Others (Luke 1:26–56) (study notes at this link)
- 23 December God Sends the Church into the World (Luke 2:1–20)
Before each session Eddie will email you a reminder of the joining instructions and some study material. The study material will also be linked to this post.
The main source for this Advent study is: “All the Good: A Wesleyan way of Christmas” by Laceye Warner et al (recently published by Abingdon Press), in which a diverse group of Wesleyan scholars take us on an Advent journey guided by the practices in John Wesley’s ‘means of grace’. John Wesley’s emphasis upon practices of piety and mercy―or good works―drew from the wider Christian tradition, so, while the material has a Methodist background, it is applicable to folk of all denominations and none.